Lajos Komarom, Veszprem County: 

  This community was first settled in the latter part of the 18th century with the majority of the original settlers migrating there from Pusztavam.  The following family names appear there in the Lutheran Church records.  There were also Slovak Lutherans who settled there with the Heidebauern.


  Andorka, Bader, Bartz, Bauer, Benthaler (Pentaller), Biller, Binder (Pinter), Blasser, Block, Boch, Bohm, Brindlmeyer, Brenner, Buss, Christ, Deutsch, Eberhardt, Eberling, Eiler (Ailer), Falb, Fausst, Fischer*, Friedrich, Fullner, Gamer,  Gangl, Gasst, Geheim, Germann, Gotthard, Graf (Grof), Griebel, Gross, Grunwald, Gsellmann, Guntler, Hackstock, Hafner, Hagen, Hanol, Haupt, Hausser, Hautzinger, Heilmann, Hertel, Heit, Hermann, Hertz, Hirsch, Hofbauer, Hoffmann, Horvath, Huck, Hutfless, Irsch, Jager, Jankovits, Juhatsch, Jullich, Jusst, Keim, Ketter, Kibitz, Kind, Kiss, Kisstner, Kivitz (Kuvich), Kleiber (Kloiber), Klein, Kleinmann, Klemann, Koch, Kranich, Krauss*, Krebs (Kreps), Kreutzer, Kriessl, Kruz, Kunerth, Kuntzler, Lackner, Lang, Leckner, Lechner, Lehner, Leitner, Lisztmeyer, Macher, Malentz, Mann, Marth, Mathess, Mattern, Mausser, Meidlinger, Meixner, Mengess, Mossberger (Muschberger), Muck, Musch, Musser,  Nagel, Nass, Nitschinger, Ossterle, Pamer, Pappert, Paul, Pavel, Prahauer, Phillip, Pohl, Pross, Pulz, Putz, Raab, Rall, Rausser, Reichard, Reiss, Reissinger, Renz, Richlmeyer, Ringler, Rivich (Rivitz, Rofritsch), Roth, Ruck, Ruder, Russ, Saffenauer, Sapper,                                              Schafer, Schenk, Schmausser, Schevinger, Schmeltzer, Schmidt, Schmitz, Schneider, Schnitz,                                                  Schrey, Schranz, Schwarz, Seiler, Spiegel, Stiedl, Steffler, Steiner, Steinwald, Stinner, Stirl,                                                Stock, Stolz, Stolzer, Streit, Strobel, Temmer, Teubel, Tetzl, Thiringer, Thorich, Thurr, Till,                     Tullner, Tulz, Urspringer, Viant (Viandt), Wagner*, Wallner, Walter, Wanderer, Weber,  Weiland, Weiler, Weniger, Wenninger, Wiandt, Wieland, Wiessberger, Wimmer, Winkler,                     Winterk, Wolf, Wurm, Zecher, Zechmeister and Zehr. 

One Response to “ Lajos Komarom, Veszprem County: ”

  1. William Walsh says:

    I am seaking information about my maternal grandparents: Ilona Nagy and A. Krutzner, both of whom to my knowledge were residents of Veszprem Meja before they immigrated to the US in the second decade of the 20th century. Each was born near the end of the nineteenth century. My great grandfather Krutzner was said to have played a major role in developing the rail industry in Hungary.Any information will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Bill Walsh.

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