Henry A. Fischer born in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, is the son of Danube Swabian immigrants from Hungary whose lives and families provide much of the background for his writing and historical research. This resulted in the publication of his first book: Children of the Danube. In a sense, it gave birth to the trilogy entitled: Remember To Tell The Children.
Although a work of historical fiction, it is based on extensive historical and genealogical research, family and village traditions and stories handed down through the generations. They reflect the common experience of the Children of the Danube and their descendants since joining the Great Swabian Migration into Hungary early in the 18th century.
The first volume of the trilogy: The Pioneers deals with their journey down the Danube and the early settlement years in Hungary. The second part of the trilogy focusses on the development of their own distinct identity and lifestyle duirng the first half of the 19th century within the context of the wider society in which they were: Strangers and Sojourners. The final volume deals with their continuing search for a homeland and their eventual forced dispersal throughout the world, leading to their becoming: Emigrants and Exiles.
He and his wife Jean reside in Kitchener, Ontario. They enjoy travelling and the freedom of retirement but spend as much time as they can with their children and grandchildren. A former Lutheran pastor and co-founder of InterChurch Health Ministries, he is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and Waterloo Lutheran Seminary.