Treu Zur Heimat: The Swabian Loyalty Movement in Hungary The following is a summary of some of the information on this subject from a lecture given by István Fehér in Budapest in 1988 at the International Historical Conference held there on March 5-6 in 1987. The Loyalty Movement was founded in Bonyhád in…
Category: Second World War
Pantschowa (Pancevo) in the Banat
Pantschowa (Pancevo) in the Banat This article is a summary and a partial translation of a series entitled: “A Volk Ausgelӧscht” (The Liquidation of a People) that appeared in the Donautal magazine. Pantschowa (Pancevo), the largest community in the southern Banat in Yugoslavia, is located where the Temes and Danube Rivers converge. It…
Lazarfeld in the Banat (1800-1950)
Lazarfeld in the Banat (1800-1950) This article deals with the latter portion of the Lazarfeld Heimatbuch published in 1972 and has been translated by Henry Fischer. Lazarfeld was located in the District of Grossbetscherek in the County of Torontal all of which later became part of Yugoslavia. It’s neighbouring communities also included: Sartscha…
Filipowa in the Batschka
Filipowa in the Batschka This article deals with the war and its aftermath in the life of this large Danube Swabian community in the Batschka and is a translation of excerpts from the Heimatbuch of Filipowa by Henry Fischer. In the two World Wars in the 20th Century, there were 433 men from…
Woilowitz in the Yugoslavian Banat
Woilowitz in the Yugoslavian Banat The information for this article is taken from the Heimatbuch of the same title and has been translated by Henry Fischer. During its history the community would have three different names, representative of the three nationalities and languages of its inhabitants: Marienfeld, Hertelendyfalva and Vojlovica. The first…
The Final Days of Torschau in the Batschka
The Final Days of Torschau in the Batschka This article is a translation of excerpts from the Heimatbuch of the village of Torschau. In September of 1944 threatening war clouds gathered in the Batschka. On the 2nd news came of the Bulgarian capitulation to the Russians. By the 8th the Russians marched into…
Hodschag a Market Town in the Batschka
Hodschag a Market Town in the Batschka The information which follows is taken from the Heimatbuch written by Friedrich Lotz under the above named German title and a portion of it is an original translation by Henry Fischer. That Batschka has been a temporary home to countless peoples: the Celts, Romans, Huns, Goths,…
Mramorak in the Banat
Mramorak in the Banat The information in this article finds its source in “Mramorak Gemeinde an der Banater Sandwüste” by Heinrich Bohland published in 1980 on behalf of the Village Association of Mramorak portions of which are translated by Henry Fischer. Above the entrance of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mramorak are the…
Werbass, Vrbas, Verbász in the Batschka
Werbass, Vrbas, Verbász in the Batschka 1785-1975 The article which follows is a summary and translation of various parts of The History of the Twin Communities of Old and New Werbass published in 1975 by the Werbass Homeland Association. At the end of the 17th Century the Serbs moved into what became the…
In the Banat
In the Banat Chapter Three “This is where innocent blood flowed like a river” Following the German invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941, the Banat was always under occupation by German troops. The Banat state administration supported the regime of the Serbian General Nedic in Belgrade. When local Danube Swabians in the Banat made application…